“Oh, that would be too difficult for me; I’ll never be able to learn to do that”
We’ve all heard these words, and you might have even said them. Learning new skills can be frightening. However, we are only afraid because we overestimate the difficulty of the task and underrate our own capabilities. We aren’t confident enough in our natural abilities. For instance, consider learning to drive.
Today, millions of people get into their automobiles and drive and most of them had no accidents. But remember how we were scared when we first started driving? but we did it! So how challenging can it obtaining your goals possibly be?
Or perhaps you’re considering writing a book. Every year, millions of people publish books.
and many people:
- save money
- start businesses
- discover employment
- lose weight
- get into shape
- discover a love interest
- get married
- discover a way to go to school
- start new careers
And many other things you may have been thinking are too hard, too complicated, or too far beyond you.
The truth is that you can handle them just fine.
So think about this, “What have you been holding yourself back from doing”? No, you don’t have to list everything you’re putting off. Just take the top one.
Here is what you have to do First:
-Whatever it is, write it down on a piece of paper.
the Second task is:
-think of somebody who has surprised you and is now doing the very thing you want to do.
Have you been putting off learning to drive? Look at all the people on the road who somehow manage to get from here to there without wrecking.
What about marriage? True, most people fail at marriage, but many millions actually get it right and live happily ever after.
Or maybe you’re putting off starting your own business. Same thing — you’ve met people who have surprised you by the fact that they have their own businesses and are their own bosses, and they haven’t gone bankrupt — at least not yet.
Chances are, the one thing you’re lacking is not intelligence, nor ability, nor talent. Training is no real stumbling block, either, since people regularly go get the same training you been wanting.
You are probably only lacking permission. You’re waiting around for somebody to validate you, then pick you up and prove to you that you can do it.
It ain’t going to happen that way. The good news is, it doesn’t have to happen that way.
All it takes is just deciding you’ll do it. Then just begin.
Several years ago, someone told me a great two-step formula for success in any field.
Step one is to start; step two is to not stop.
So now we come to the final Step:
-Make a beginning, no matter how awkward it feels, then just keep moving forward and you will see how far you have come!